Suzanne tait

Prior to joining the coaching programme, I had tried many different gyms, classes etc but my persistent back problems held me back. I always seemed to get worse instead of better with exercise & ended up with a total fear of injuring myself & making my back pain worse. The truth is that I wasn’t training correctly, I wasn’t learning proper technique & I was making things worse! I got to a point that I thought the gym & exercise just weren’t for me. Thankfully I saw Chris on an instagram story that a friend posted & all that changed. Now that I’ve been training with Chris it’s a totally different story! We started in the summer of 2022 & I’ve not had back pain since! It’s amazing. We started at a slow, steady pace & Chris takes the time to explain technique, breathing & gives lots of little pointers with each lift or stretch. I’ve gained so much more confidence & believe now that exercise & looking after myself is part of my life forever. This isn’t a quick fix challenge, this is a lifestyle change & I’ve learned loads!
