Daniel mccreanor

When I first contacted Chris about becoming a client, I was very nervous, but after speaking to him over the phone and in person, he reassured me that he had my best intentions and was willing to help me. After our first few weeks of working together and finding out what I had to work on and what I liked and having Chris give me countless tips on food, exercise and lifestyle changes I was in desperate need of, I already saw the changes. Now I’m 14 weeks in and I’m down over 10kg already while also building a lot of muscle at the same time. I have felt my strength, stamina, confidence and self-belief skyrocket since starting my PT sessions with Chris. It’s not just the 2 PT sessions per week that help; it’s the motivating videos he sends, the check-ins he sends weekly and the way he makes it easier for you to see the progress you are making when you are struggling to see how well you are doing.


William frew


bailey greene